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Summer Newsletter - PreVent

Posted on Jun 10th, 2014

After being cooped up indoors all winter, we’ll want to spend every waking moment out basking in the sun. The last thing anyone wants is the day ruined by swarming bugs or even worse being eaten alive by them! Our advice would be to use PreVent -a 100% natural formula; use on exposed skin before you get bitten - don’t leave it until it’s too late! Just because we may have forgotten the mosquitoes, they sure haven't forgotten us! Mosquitoes bite most as dawn and dusk, when its not too hot outside, and love shady cool areas, so make sure you’re protected and prepared.

A money saving way to avoid getting mosquitoes in your garden is to make sure there is no stagnant water around. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in shallow, still water like buckets, watering cans, gutters and even damp soil. So getting rid of still water around your home could stop a horde of mosquitoes being born in the back garden! But just because you prepare doesn’t mean all your neighbours will! For added protection, especially for children, a safe and easy-to-use insect repellent should be used to keep the midges and noxious insects away. PreVent pump spray lasts up to 8 hours, and like all PreVent products is deet free, leaving kids to play all evening without the worry for being bitten by gnats or mosquitoes.


Over the years the number of disease-carrying insects has increased, but many people also worry about exposing their kids to the possibly harmful and toxic chemicals contained in insect repellents. PreVent is an insect repellent with a deet free formula suitable for the whole family. Deet is a well known effective repellent, but side effects are ‘plasticising’ i.e. if you get it on your hands and have contact with plastic it will start to rot! Also Deet is a carcinogenic man made chemical, so not something you want to smother on your kids! PreVent contains 100% natural pyrethrum and can be applied directly onto your skin and that of young children without causing irritation.


  • Mosquitoes
  • Flies
  • Midges
  • Sandflies
  • Horseflights
  • Cleggs
  • Ticks
  • Fleas
  • Wasps
  • Hornets
  • Scottish midge

Here at Summit International we are always looking for innovative and eco-friendly ideas, and PreVent meets those requirements with a range of tested and proven eco-friendly products designed for effective pest control with a minimum impact on the environment.


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